Vers des modèles formalisés du trouble panique (art. en anglais)

Un article très intéressant passant en revue dans un premier temps les modèles d’explication du trouble panique, pour élaborer dans un second temps un ensemble d’équations définissant les relations causales testables de façon rigoureuse. Un exemple d’une façon de systématiser les théories des troubles psychologiques.

L’article est téléchargeable ici.

Advancing the Network Theory of Mental Disorders: A Computational Model of Panic Disorder
Auteurs : Donald J. Robinaugh1, Jonas M. B. Haslbeck2, Lourens J. Waldorp2, Jolanda J. Kossakowski,2 Eiko I. Fried3, Alexander J. Millner4, Richard J. McNally4, Egbert H. van Nes5, Marten Scheffer5, Kenneth S. Kendler6, Denny Borsboom2

1Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
2University of Amsterdam
3Leiden University
4Harvard University 5Wageningen University
6Virginia Commonwealth University
May 22nd, 2019

The network theory of psychopathology posits that mental disorders are complex systems of mutually reinforcing symptoms. This overarching framework has proven highly generative but does not specify precisely how any specific mental disorder operates as such a system. We address this gap in the literature by developing a network theory of Panic Disorder and formalizing that theory as a computational model. We first review prior psychological theory and research on Panic Disorder in order to identify its core components as well as the plausible causal relations among those components. We then construct and evaluate a computational model of Panic Disorder as a non-linear dynamical system. We show that this model can explain a great deal, including individual differences in the propensity to experience panic attacks, key phenomenological characteristics of those attacks, the onset of Panic Disorder, and the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy. We also show that the model identifies significant gaps in our understanding of Panic Disorder and propose a theory-driven research agenda for Panic Disorder that follows from our evaluation of the model. We conclude by discussing the implications of the model for how we understand and investigate mental disorders as complex systems.

In the paper, we: – describe problems with ambiguity of verbal theories – review clinical systems literature on panic attacks & disorders – move network theory of mental disorders to next level by specifying precisely how panic disorder operates as non-linear dynamical system

Théories des attaques de panique et du trouble panique

3/ Model summary below; it explains Panic Attack phenomenology; individual differences in Panic Attack vulnerability; and Panic Disorder onset. It does not explain non-clinical Panic Attacks. All edges in model are difference equations we tried to derive from the literature.

Model includes explanation of common interventions: